Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Honeymooning: Day 1, Northern California

I will always look back on this trip and see warm sunny days on the road with my 4 favorite things in the world traveling into the wild with a wrinkled paper map and all the freedom we could need. This is our trip as we wrote it in our journal and captured it on camera:

Day 1
September 16th 2012

Late start to Hirz Mt Lookout. We spent most of the morning lounging and laughing with Kyle Jordan Aryon and Katie. My dad came over to drop off our presents, and then bid us farewell as we hit the road. 

 We realized after about an hour of driving that we needed to call the Ranger Station in Shasta to access the lookout tower, and then we realized it was Sunday and they were closed. We decided to camp under the lookout anyway, since we had pre-payed, we knew there wouldn't be anyone else there.

 The hike to the tower was steep and challenging with all of our gear.
 As we reached the top and the sun was slipping behind the mountains, we had an overwhelming sense of relief. We were married, we were at this amazing place on what felt like the top of the world, and nothing else really mattered.

 We climbed to the deck of the lookout to experience the longest sunset ever. A perfect end to our first day of marriage.
 The next morning we awoke to a 360 view of the Mccloud arm of lake Shasta. Packed up our gear, and made our way down the deadly path to our truck. Just after Ben started the engine, he realized his ring was gone. Yes. I told him it could be anywhere, and I could replace it if we couldn't find it right away. But he reminded me that it had been washed in sprigs, in our ceremony and it just wouldn't be the same. And I had to agree.... So he ran back up the darn trail to the lookout. About 10 minutes later he came running back with it in his hand. I couldn't believe it! It was the only thing he saw on the ground where we had set up camp.

After that is was smooth sailing and our trip continued on the road to Oregon.

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