Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Day 11, A good morning it was, off to Zion!

Another glorious morning! In fact, after packing up the poops we strolled into the general store and purchased 2 showers! We were on our way to Zion! And after Zion off to Vegas smelling like lovely fresh newlyweds! 

Shoe tree. Throw a pair on the tree and get good luck. Bens theory "theres a few really good pairs of shoes in there..." "No Ben, you are not taking them."

We are not Vegas people. Spending way too much on drinks and then spending even more after good conscious decision making has left the building, and then spending even more on..... on.... um.... nothing! Isnt our cup of jo. But we did happen to let the hot desert air sink into our bones down at lake Mead as the sun lowered and the mountains grew purple. We sat in the water while our wild dogs ran accross the desert rock. It felt like we were in a different place at a different time and like stevie nicks would be singin somewhere in the distance as we sipped on an I Do Brew and contemplated the freedom we had. Check and check.

And this.... was our "campground." Never had we needed a campsite more desperately than this evening when the Vegas lights were gleaming so close, and all around there were people people people. People eating. People yelling. People burping, and slurping, and taking photos of their annoying kids. Sorry, at some point in the evening when things usually wind down, i need solitude or i get grumpy.

And then.... we were greeted back at camp by an extra large blob of a person parked within breathing distance of our spot laughing and popping open a can a bud. I sensed from the very moment the echoing burp left the blobs gaping jowls that we were wayyyyy to close for comfort. And even though Ben for some reason didn't pick up on this as much, I forced a move. After settling for the next site down,  we were approached with a request for matches. The blob apparently forgot a source of fire on his "camping outing". Ben pleasantly obliged with a complimentary book of matches. To which the blobs wife offered a JagerBomb as a token of their gratitude And then we endured the rock concert that came blasting from the blobs F750, and laughed our way into dreams of the next day as babies cried and Jane's Addiction serenaded us to sleep.

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