Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Day 12, An Epic End

And so the saying goes, all good things must come to an end. After flying through Vegas like a few bats out of hell, we were once again vagabonding into the sun on the hot, arid desert roads of Nevada. 

Our campsite..................... gross! right?

woohoo vagas! woohoo later vegas!

We were on a missin-home-mission. Being only hours away, the trip was over in our minds. As sad as that sounds we had arrived at the place between wanting more and wanting a fresh set of sheets and heavenly squishy pillow. The decision was made. We stopped at a little place outside of Mammoth to devour really cheap and unhealthy burgers and fries, and they were awesome. And even though we saw some sweet sites on our way home, the minute we crossed into California and took in the east Tahoe sites, we were filled with joy and awe at the splendor of our own backyard. That night we poured out of the truck and into our new home like little kids. We curled up as a little family and watched TV! for 
the first time in 2 weeks! and it sucked, so we went to bed!

Best trip ever. Best memories. Best one on one time with my Best friends. Best and most amazing views of my life. I will never forget these cherished days spent with my husband at the time of just days. I love you Ben!

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