Sunday, October 6, 2013


>>So far this is where the nursery stands. Nothing is in it's final place, but we have come a long way. It may seem a little early to have this all set up. But with a big 2 week long wedding trip in November, Thanksgiving right after, Christmas and then BAM d-day... I figure it cant hurt.

Refurbished dresser that we already had.
 with these really awesome knobs from Anthropologie.

 This changing station from Ikea. Which was a score for under 70.00. And all of my all natural homemade baby toiletries: bum cream, powder, wipe solution, and body butter. Recipes up soon!

The wall color will be the lightest grey. My dad volunteered to paint the room for my bday! We are so lucky that he was once a full time painter- very talented!

I am working on artwork for the room as well. So far I love these prints. But I will have to paint them myself since our printer is currently out of ink :/ I guess that is more meaningful anyway!

and I will be attempting to make this mobile:

And this flag banner. We just need to agree for the rest of our lives (!) on his name!

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