Monday, October 14, 2013

Love List

1. Spooky cold nights with bare branched trees and slivers of the moon.

 2. These gorgeous thigh-high coziest of socks from free people. 

 3. White pumpkins with black designs.

 3. "Pushing the River" by Shearwater. Perfect song to cruise to on a haunting autumn night.

 4. This horrifically frightening movie. THE scariest and most life like horror flick this unscarable critic will actually vouch for. Pick a night any night and watch this baby but prepare to get scared!

5. My sweet sweet fall obsession. Feeling glum on your way to work? Pumpkin Spice solves everything! Love you PSL.

 6. Zoey! Lover her. And I am so happy New Girl is back on! My favorite perfectly awkward comedy.

7. Stamped cookies. I thought these were adorable. But I wonder if you could make little baked clay labels this way too? Hmmm.

Sunday, October 6, 2013


>>So far this is where the nursery stands. Nothing is in it's final place, but we have come a long way. It may seem a little early to have this all set up. But with a big 2 week long wedding trip in November, Thanksgiving right after, Christmas and then BAM d-day... I figure it cant hurt.

Refurbished dresser that we already had.
 with these really awesome knobs from Anthropologie.

 This changing station from Ikea. Which was a score for under 70.00. And all of my all natural homemade baby toiletries: bum cream, powder, wipe solution, and body butter. Recipes up soon!

The wall color will be the lightest grey. My dad volunteered to paint the room for my bday! We are so lucky that he was once a full time painter- very talented!

I am working on artwork for the room as well. So far I love these prints. But I will have to paint them myself since our printer is currently out of ink :/ I guess that is more meaningful anyway!

and I will be attempting to make this mobile:

And this flag banner. We just need to agree for the rest of our lives (!) on his name!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

21 weeks!


Lately I have focused all of my free time on the nursery. To be honest, I know I will use the room, but I dont want to go overboard and loose track of what really matters. So I have been making almost everything myself and definitely saving loads of money through Ikea! 

On the list of handmade baby goods, so far:

Owl, Bear, & Bunny Buddies
Mr. was super confused when these toys went into the crib instead of to him. So I had to make him a toy. Which is really just a rectangle stuffed with foam and a rattle I made out of dired beans :) 


 Crib Bedding

My own version of these trendy and expensive swaddles: 

 The rest of the pile of handmade blankies. Some are sewn by me and a few knitted ones from my mom.

 A refurbished heirloom from my hubbies parents. A fresh coat of paint, handmade bed set, and voila! A sweet nook for our mini next to our bed.

 The softest of them all: this amazingly snuggley blanket I made out of satin and minky fabric.