Thursday, May 29, 2014

Mountain Lake

>> The day was warm and busy like any other Wednesday. But inside a rock sank deeper into the pit of my stomach, heavy, yet empty all in the same way. We collected little pieces of you to bring with us. Bits of your baseball glove, pictures, a deck of cards, a map from Europe, a toy from Millie- all memories from the many years you were stitched into our family. All the trips and Christmases and games of spoons... but memories now. Our family trekked the long trek to the special place, hidden deep in the Sierra Nevada's where only a select few spent time with you. Everything was the same. The icy wind, the monumental evergreens, and of course the glassy waters of the lake. Here there is a sense of peace that few places on this earth can rival. We spent the day drifting back in time, laughing, and weeping, and still trying to grasp that we would never share such a place, such a beautiful day, such a warm family trip with you again in the same way. But we vowed to carry you with us from one sunset to the next, lifting up the ones around us, smiling and loving each other more than the day before. For you illuminated the world with your light. We were blessed, among many others to have known you. 
In all the day was perfect. We were able to truly celebrate everything we knew you to be here. Taking in the beauty all around us, holding each other and remembering you in the place where you loved to go. I know you knew we loved you, but I don't think you knew how much. Something I will have to find a way to come to terms with one day. 
The hardest moment was turning for the last time away from the lake, leaving it behind, so desolate and majestic. Saying goodnight.

1 comment:

  1. Breathtakingly Beautiful those words you wrote,my sweet niece . I feel it in my blood and my very soul your words from the heart. Blessed are you and may your sorrows be comforted. Matt was all that represents goodness, and to keep up this , we must always represent good. Love and hugs and kisses, Auntie Renee
