Sunday, January 5, 2014

35 weeks


35 Weeks 2 Days

Well, its a new year, the year my baby is born :) T-minus 4-6 weeks until we meet our little babe. I am relaxed actually. For the first time in many years I am not preoccupied with the strains of everyday life. Although this is a time for preparing as much as we can for the life and first weeks especially of our child, I am still able to do everything on my time. Where has the time gone? 8 months... gone? 

I remember trying to dream up an image of a baby inside me. Trying to picture what the end of pregnancy would be like. 35 weeks seemed so far away and hard to grasp. yet here I am. Waddling around with a beeb hangin on my tummy all day and all night. Yet there is just another month of the hardships before we have a 3rd piece of our puzzle.

Id like to note how far we have come. I look around our cozy home and find so many luxuries I would have never imagined we would be able to have. Just a few years ago a paycheck went straight to bills and just bringing home a healthy load of groceries seemed like Christmas. Even in just one year we have come so far. 2013 has been a slow but steady climb. Starting with a pregnancy in May :) I feel completely blessed and thankful to GOD and the universe for holding us so close for so many years. 

I am so ready for this journey. 

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