Thursday, March 7, 2013

the case for nature

We are overrun by chaos. Simplify.

Returning to earths bounties is a way to rid our lives of toxins and respect the planet that we rely on. Make choices and take actions that you respect through to the core. Everything we do has a chain reaction. 

Ridding our beauty regiment of unnecessary chemicals. 
My personal ultimate goal will to be remove myself from cosmetics all together. At this point the only reason I continue to use makeup at all is to adhere to the public eye. Which is scrutinizing being as I am a bartender. People project a certain image unto you, especially with all that surrounds alcohol. Ben prefers my face all natural, which i love because it is who I am without hiding anything. Someday I wont have to deal with being behind the bar or wearing any makeup to justify my femininity. But until then, I will enjoy a few simpler options made from natural ingredients. 

Cleaning products that you can actually inhale.
We flush, drain and toss products around that are harmful to each other and to the earth. Some chemical components never break down and continue their damage on the journey to landfills or back into the ocean, poisoning anything in their path. Not only that, but protecting yourself and your family is obviously something we all want to do. Unfortunately so many families are unaware of the harmful side affects of our daily routines   To step away from this useless damage, turn to what we have had for years. It may not be as "quick", "easy", or "magical" as leading products in the cleaning product market. But the fact that it is not dangerous should be more important. The simple ingredients above are natural, inexpensive and in fact easy to grow in a garden. With a few staple ingredients you can create many different potions for everything in need of a good clean. The baking soda and vinegar can be combined to breech tough stains, scrub dirty floors and through the laundry cycle. Add bruised lavender or rosemary or lemon if you have it to diffuse the scent of the vinegar.

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