Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Universe must be smiling down on me today!

I feel incredibly fortunate.

The big important pieces of our life that were drifting so far off in the distance for so long are finally gently falling together so perfectly. Its the first time I have really felt like the lifestyle Ben and I choose to lead is for a profound meaning and that our persistence and calm strength are finally paying off.
For years it seemed like we were watching others around us take steps into their future with such ease that we were not able to make because of one reason or another.

As I (enviously (just being honest)) watched people in our same shoes take the steps in life that i wanted so badly, I didn't realize that Ben and I were being tested. It was quite difficult to know that for some reason we were struggling to get by and find footing for any kind of balance or permanence, as others seemed to be escalating through life with no such problems. Until I realized what the reason was.

And for this I must acknowledge my genius of a future husband who on a daily basis challenges me to be more humble and patient, because he kept me from jumping the gun into a life we were not ready for. Instead of rushing into the current without enough to keep us afloat we stayed in the shallow waters until finally we were really ready to take the plunge.

 Now that I look back we did not have the tools to make any kind of judgement like we have today. We are financially and mentally much more aware of what we need at this time than ever before. And now we get to thoroughly enjoy the fruits of our labor. Living where we went to, how we want to.

With this I have never had more faith in the world. We are opening a new chapter on a huge adventure.

Last year Ben got down on one knee on a beautiful day in Tahoe and proposed that we spend the rest of our lives together, and I gleefully accepted.
In September we get to bring our most cherished friends and family together in one place on the most blessed day of our lives to celebrate our relationship.
In the mean time we had been working on saving, and other responsibilities with vigor so that our future is rich with opportunity, even if it means that the time-being is rather barren.
In our efforts we progressed in a direction of extreme excitement and possibilities in the approval for home loan.
And in the period of about 9 months or so we have tried to understand the housing market at its peak for searching first home buyers.
This has been such an exciting time of following potential homes, looking through all of them with my dad and the magic key! (when we first started looking for homes he said he had the key that unlocks every house :) As do all agents for vacant houses for sale! It just sounded so magical!) And finding new parts of our own hometown that we had never even seen before!
We found one that really spoke to the core of who we were. The natural surroundings were actually the most important part of a home to us. The home is just a shelter that needed to be safe and sound (and that I will relentlessly attack with creative interior design skills), but the wilderness around the home is where our beloved dogs will call home and the garden that will feed our family will grow. Finding one with such strengths really challenged my patience and self control because I had to be okay with potentially letting it go.
But the way we stepped into the process was with such ease, it was almost as if the universe was opening a door for us and the opportunity was real. The old lady who owned it wanted to move away and retire in Texas. She had lived and carefully maintained the quaint home for 18 years. The restrictions that were before us for almost every other home were not present before this one. And the next thing we new...
Last night my dad/ Realtor/ mortgage broker delivered to us the grand news of SUCCESS on purchasing our first home. The most overwhelmed with joy I have felt since the first day I understood Christmas morning!
Here are a few pics:

So other than the state of unshakable happiness this has affected me with today.... I have a great gratitude for my Ben. I have so much respect for him. He is so much more than a best friend or lover. He shows me whole worlds in which I have never imagined, and teaches me to work constantly at bettering the person I am. Even without knowing it he inspires me to try. To find within myself a reason to back all that I do with irrefutable conviction. I always picture us as the tortoise in the race against the hare. We may have been doubted by the others for reasons that to them seem obvious, but i would have to say at the end of the day, we never even thought of questioning ourselves, we just kept right on going.
It is the ever present effect of "karma", the only word that I know to represent the forces of energy and balance in the universe. I have witnessed the positive and negative affects of my own choices/ efforts/ and other expenditures of energy upon the world. And have learned to trust exactly what my parents raised me to believe: that you do upon the world what you want done upon yourself. And from learning and careful examination I know exactly why I need to be deliberate in my actions.

We have a new home to move into on August 12th, a Wedding on September 15th, a honeymoon accross the country, and a whole new life ahead of us! Glory hallelujah!

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