Friday, September 16, 2016


Its the end of another summer. The nights are cooling and quieting. The days are shorter and accompanied by the gentle autumn wind. 
Pine says "I love you" age 2.5. My heart melts.
Noah bear is the sweetest smiling flirt. Sleeps like a stump and brings me back to center when I'm feeling low.
Ben has been busting ass. 600 soaps a day after work. I'm so impressed at his intelligence, without his brain power my dreams would never become anything. We are trying to carve out time to celebrate 4 years of marriage.... Maybe sushi to go? 
My grandparents are getting older. They are starting to do and say things I think the world would rather turn away from. Our culture at least. Like bulging knobby joints inflamed in pain, and unusually large bruises, and getting lost during conversing. I live them so much. To this day they show each other true fondness and push on together. They have taught me so much about this wild world.