Friday, December 27, 2013

Hospital Bag

time to get down to business. only 6 weeks to go! I still need to : paint the little beans room, pick a darn first and middle name... for good, pack our bags for D-day and finally.... try to relax!!

Hospital Bag

Monday, December 2, 2013


>>It has been a while! The last weeks have been PACKED full of eventfulness, hence my absence from this blog. However, I have a full load of pictures to make up for the lost days. There are quite a few so hang in there!

We left for the North Shore of Oahu on November 16th to celebrate our friend's wedding and spent a total of 9 days in perfect weather under sunny skies. We were able to unwind and take in the beauty of the tropical landscape and gorgeous sunrises. I was a bit timid in a bikini being 7 months pregnant on the beach in November. But it didnt stop me from swimming! 

 Thanksgiving was a hit! We really enjoyed having everyone over. Family from Los Angeles and Oakland were able to join in, we truly felt blessed. Ben even spent the day with me cooking. All in all it was a lovely holiday. I will have pictures to post of our festivities soon!

We trumped right on to the next smorgasborg: our baby shower! Everyone gathered once more at Ben's parents house for some delicious snacks and a big celebration for a teeny little man! We had a great time opening all the little outfits and eating way too many cupcakes :) It was so special to look around the room and see relatives from near and far all in one place smiling and sharing such a great love. We are so fortunate to have such a strong group of loving and content individuals to bring our child into.

Needless to say I am 30 weeks! My little babe will be here in two months! We have decided to name him...
Middle name to be decided. Of course suggestions are welcome! 

Much more movement. When we were taking off in the plane Ben looked down at my tummy and the whole thing shifted! 
Short of breath when on long walks or hikes.
The hunger has tamed mildly. I still overfill my plate and seek out too many groceries and make way too big of meals. 
Craving: Sugar. Candy. Cookies. It's bad. And now that fruit is out of season and peppermint hot cocoa and treats galore are in.... I need physical restraint.
My bellybutton is still not all the way "out". No stretch marks. And although it looks like I swallowed a cantaloupe, I feel as though I can handle an even bigger baby in there! Which is good I suppose.
The last few weeks have been a much needed time of my own spending. I only have 3 more weeks at work. I have so much to be thankful for and to look forward to. 
Every day at some point Ben asks me "do you think I will be a good dad?" :) 
Of course I think he will be. He is the "smart" one who is always willing to help out. He is a very giving person. The funny thing is, even though he worries about it, I don't think he even will have to try (well maybe cut back on swearing and get a little more organized!). He is a good person and will project his good decisions and love without even knowing it.
I cant wait to hold our baby!