Wednesday, August 28, 2013

week 16

>>Finally I feel like I'm pregnant :) Maybe the rest of the world still see's a fupa, but my tummy feels different than it ever has, it hurts to lay on my back for too long, and i can literaly feel it stretching for the little papoose inside. September 17th we have our next ultrasound... the day we find out if theres a little her or a little him wrapped up and waiting for us to meet! 

I am also starting to crave fall...
the weather cooling
clothes becoming comfy
the leaves turning
smells of cinnamon and spice

Roost - Roost: A Simple Life

Post image for 5 Fall Spices And Why We Love Them

pile of warm

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

summer outings: salt springs reservoir



There is a new addition to our little family. Our first child. There is something so grand about this concept that we have yet to understand what it really means to our lives. For now it is just a small bump that is taking place, that probably only I can notice, and reading various books, and deciding what we will and wont be needing, and imagining a family. Its exciting every day to know that each day we are one more day into this journey.

I am actually 13 weeks now. We need a new pic, because now there is actually something to show. Well, not much of anything. But I certainly can tell its there.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Recipes for Sucess

>>In the process of detoxing my entire home... I have come to the conclusion that I need a place that I can revisit when encountering the many ins-and-outs of this massive transformation. So here is the begining of an attempt to organize and share this journey.

  1. Heat up the Cranberries, Oil, Honey and Vitamin E on the stovetop, bringing it to a boil
  2. Crush up the Cranberries with a wooden spoon until the color has turned to your lip-stain liking
  3. Let it cool for ten minutes and then strain through Cheese Cloth to get out the Cranberry bits
  4. Let it cool again - but not too long - and then spoon it into your Tin

And into the purse it goes, the best lip gloss. Remember: this recipe can be amended to include any seasonal fruit, all hues considered. And, though it may be a smidgen early to say so, we're thinking this product has the word "gift" written all over it. 


  1. Grate one bar of soap with cheese grater or food processor.
  2. Put grated soap in pan with 2 quarts water and gradually heat, stirring constantly until soap is completely dissolved.
  3. Put 4.5 gallons of really hot tap water in a 5-gallon bucket (available for free in bakeries at grocery stores, just ask them) and stir in 1 cup of borax and 1 cup ofWashing Soda until completely dissolved.
  4. Pour soap mixture from pan into 5-gallon bucket. Stir well.
  5. Cover and leave overnight.
  6. Shake or stir until smooth and pour into gallon jugs or other containers.
  7. Use 1/2 to 1 cup per load.

  1. In a double boiler or glass bowl, combine all ingredients except essential oils.
  2. Bring to medium heat and stir constantly until all ingredients are melted.
  3. Remove from heat and let cool slightly.
  4. Move to fridge and let cool another 1 hour or until starting to harden but still somewhat soft.
  5. Use a hand mixer to whip for 10 minutes until fluffy.
  6. Return to fridge for 10-15 minutes to set.
  7. Store in a glass jar with a lid and use as you would regular lotion or body butter. If your home stays above 75 degrees, it may soften and need to be kept at the fridge, but it will stay whipped at a temperature lower than that.
  8. Enjoy!

In a shake-proof container mix ingredients and shake. Store this solution in a spray bottle for on the go, or in a glass Tupperware container with wipes submerged.
A note on the essential oil: babies need sensitive choices like lavendar, lemon, chamomile etc.