Wednesday, January 25, 2012


tired of renting... peering into the looking glass... and seeing so many glorious things! one day, i will be able to let loose and design the ins and outs of house a will call home :) and if ben and i buckle down and stick like glue to our budget, that day is just around the corner. for now i am hunting and gathering various designs and feelings and inspirations i happen to stumble upon. to share a few for fun:

im not sure what my style would be labeled as, or what draws me to a certain room. but i know that i am drawn to nature, and art. i love whimsical places where you see sunlight streaming in and family gathered all about. i dont like clutter. but i like a house to feel alive and not stale or standard. objects create personality and inspire imagination, but in an orderly fashion please! i love natural aspects like fur, wood (wood everywhere apparently. forest anyone?), and over sized handmade baskets. anyhoo. everyone thinks they have a cool nitch for designing so i am by no means putting my ideas above any others idea of home :) its just a place to hang your heart.